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Anti Wave innovates with new generation swim starting block

March 12, 2012
Leading swim sport equipment manufacturer Anti Wave is continuing to innovate with new developments in starting block technology.
With 40 years experience and as a supplier to Olympic and Paralympic Games and major aquatic venues around the world, Anti Wave has made a Patent Application for their latest track start system and improved non-rocking, non-springing, safe start platform block.
Suitable for use in elite swimming facilities and community pools, the starting block aims at enhance starts for any swimmer, thereby directly bringing down their competition times.
New safe start handles are also a part of the Patent Application and were designed for the very young, elite and paralympic swimmers, as well as master competitors, enhancing their pre-start safety.
The invention seeks to overcome the problems caused by uneven surfaces and has an adjustable safety feature, which enables the starting platform to be used even if pool decks are uneven.
Patented adaptors of bolted on fixed TrackStarts are also available and will suit most of the old and existing start blocks.
The new block can include an LED system, which displays the details of the event, while an inbuilt auditory system and colour lights could be included to assist specially challenged swimmers.
The fibreglass starting block of the innovative new block is made from highly durable non-corrosive composite plastic materials.
Anti Wave installed and tested its new Super Block 'Elite' at the 2008 Olympic Venue in Beijing and at University of Queensland Pool.
Anti Wave International Director Anti Kajlich explains "our new safe start handles with movable track start should greatly assist competitors of all ages and I believe that they will make a major impact on the age groups, top & para swimmers, as well as Masters."
For more information contact Anti Kajlich, Director, Anti Wave International Pty Ltd on +61 412 172 636.