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City of Stonnington launches new website to help community stay active and connected

City of Stonnington launches new website to help community stay active and connected
October 27, 2020

The City of Stonnington has launched a new website - Active Stonnington - dedicated to promoting the mental and physical well-being of the community.

Active Stonnington is designed as a one-stop-shop for their community sport, recreation and wellbeing needs, providing information and services in one easy-to-use location.

The community can book swim lanes and gym sessions, sign up for fitness classes, find local sports clubs and plan outings across Stonnington’s many parks, gardens, nature trails and bike paths.

Over time, Active Stonnington is expected to add more features, including innovative partnerships to provide even greater value for ratepayers and visitors to Stonnington.

City of Stonnington Chief Executive, Jacqui Weatherill advised that Active Stonnington is being launched just as the community is experiencing Stonnington’s valuable parks, open spaces and sports facilities in record numbers.

She said one of the silver linings of the pandemic is the way in which people have discovered these important local assets, and it was important that these positive lifestyle habits continue to be promoted.

Weatherill notes “as we have seen, it is now more important than ever that we encourage and facilitate a healthy community in Stonnington and make it as easy as possible for people to stay active and connected.

“Overwhelming international evidence shows that promoting a connected and active lifestyle strengthens communities, builds resilience and leads to positive mental and physical health outcomes.

“Active Stonnington is all about facilitating, encouraging and sustaining positive lifestyle choices, and is a wonderful new asset to our comprehensive program of community support and recovery as we emerge from the worst of the pandemic.”

Image top: City of Stonnington Prahran aquatic centre 

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