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Deputy Prime Minister launches LigaTurf facility

Deputy Prime Minister launches LigaTurf facility
April 20, 2010

Federal Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard has launched the Kurunjang Recreation Reserve synthetic sports field project in Melbourne.

The project consisted of the design and construction of two new LigaTurf synthetic football pitches and a SuperGrasse Shield synthetic cricket pitch. The project included conversion of existing natural grass fields and installation of new facility infrastructure including floodlighting, sports equipment and perimeter fencing. Sports Technology International (STI) completed works on this project in conjunction with one of the groups' Victorian-based agent partners, Grassports Australia.

Funding for the project was provided jointly through the Federal Government Nation Building Program and by Melton Shire Council.

STI's LigaTurf has recently been endorsed by the AFL and Cricket Australia being noted as a manufacturer of approved artificial turf products to the codes.

Substantial investment, research and testing of artificial turf surfaces have been undertaken by the AFL and CA over the past couple of years in association with Ballarat University. STI provided technical assistance and product information knowledge during the study and is proud to be an AFL/CA endorsed manufacturer of approved turf products.

As a result of ongoing research and development activities, Ligaturf Premier passed a number of very stringent product identification and durability tests. Besides tests characterizing the product, the AFL/CA approval scheme demands tests to ensure the durability of the product as well as the suitability for tough Australian conditions. Built on an elastic layer, the STI system meets all applicable performance requirements and provides councils with a sustainable solution for grass roots sports. Ligaturf Premier is based on latest yarn technology combining the track record of durability, performance and longevity with innovative product concepts like CoolPlus reduced surface temperature and RS 're-spring' technology. The launch of Ligaturf Premier in Australia where councils are looking for sustainable solutions for community sporting facilities comes just in time when the AFL support of artificial turf is part of an overall strategy to increase community participation in the sport.

For more information contact Sports Technology International/Advanced Polymer Technology Australasia on 03 8792 8000 or visit