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EMS ‘powersuit’ now available in Australia

EMS ‘powersuit’ now available in Australia
July 28, 2019

Growing recognition of the potential of Electro Muscle Stimulation (EMS) training has seen Visionbody Australia launch a revolutionary wireless EMS training system.

An intelligent body suit designed to sculpt, shape and tone the body quickly and effectively while also assisting injury recovery, the Visionbody PowerSuit offers a plethora of fitness benefits for women and men alike.

These include deep muscle stimulation while increasing endurance, strength and mobility; assisting injury recovery through the rehabilitation and re-education of wasted or weakened muscles as well as helping to identify, adjust and compensate for muscle imbalances.

Using the latest German technology, the innovative body suit condenses four hours of conventional gym training into a 20-minute workout session when led by a dedicated instructor.

As a result, a training session wearing the Visionbody PowerSuit is an extremely effective, full-body workout that activates over 90% of muscles all at the same time.

Integrated with 20 high-tech pulse patches, the Visionbody PowerSuit stimulates the main muscle groups in the body – while the other muscles get trained automatically. The electrical pulses activate the blood circulation and cell metabolism, stimulating the musculature and connective tissue in its entirety, which helps build lean muscles and eliminate fat cells.

The Visionbody PowerSuit also links with virtual reality technology wherein the wearer can be placed in a game or appropriate virtual world to achieve task - with the body suit applying resistance that will make movements tougher in specific circumstances.

The Visionbody PowerSuit gives trainers the freedom to easily create customised sessions and plan to meet the goals set by each individual. Trainers design holistic exercise programs offering strength training, endurance training and cardio to achieve all body goals – from enhancing upper body muscle to achieving flat tummies, reducing cellulite, getting rid of post-natal weight gain and much more. Trainers control the intensity of the impulses on each individual’s bodysuits, depending on their preference and fitness level. Users will expect to see visible results within three weeks, based on two 20-minute sessions a week.

The 20-minute Visionbody programs can include HIIT training, anaerobic training (strength), aerobic training (cardio) and weight loss programs.

With three Visionbody Gyms currently operating in Wollongong, Melbourne and Sydney and more sites set to open, there are also VisionBody Gym business licensing opportunities now available in Australia.

Visionbody Australia was also an exhibitor at the recent Fitness Show Sydney.

Click here to contact Visionbody Australia via their entry in the Australasian Leisure Management Supplier Directory.

Images: The Visionbody powersuit (top), a Visionbody studio (middle) and the powersuit linked with VR technology (below). Courtesy of Visionbody Australia.

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