Groundbreaking solar installation cools Singapore Sports Hub

The recent opening of the new National Stadium at the Singapore Sports Hub is set to have a massive impact on sport not only in Singapore but also in the surrounding nations of Southeast Asia.
The S$1.33 billion (US$1.07 billion), 35-hectare mega sports facility in the Kallang area of the city state is also set to influence global stadia design and power management as a result of energy provided by the Hub's massive solar installation.
Spanning more than 7,000 metres2, the solar panels that surround the Stadium's domed roof, as well as those of adjacent buildings, power cooling technologies that have been designed to improve fan and player comfort.
Besides generating clean electricity, the photovoltaic (PV) panels reduce heat gain through the Stadium roof by shading them from direct sunshine.
Operated by Phoenix Solar Singapore, a subsidiary of German-based Phoenix Solar AG, over 2,700 solar modules reduce carbon dioxide emissions of at least 367,250 kilograms per year.
Phoenix Solar’s project at the Sports Hub involves a 21-year power purchase agreement, under which Phoenix Solar will own and operate the PV panels, while Sports Hub will purchase the power from Phoenix Solar at rates lower than grid energy prices.
Sports Hub Chief Executive Philippe Collin Delavaud says that adopting an efficient and sustainable source of energy has been a key objective from the project’s inception.
Delavaud explains “when we first drew up the plans for the Singapore Sports Hub campus and its facilities, we were certain that we would need to integrate sustainable technologies into our operations to maintain efficiencies.
"In particular, an area in which this technology proved to be essential was the National Stadium, as it can host up to 55,000 spectators in one sitting.
“With this amount of people in one space, along with Singapore’s tropical climate, it was imperative to adopt an efficient and sustainable technology to keep our customers cool and comfortable.
"We are very pleased to work with Phoenix Solar, as they have combined solid technical expertise with an aesthetic design to integrate their PV power plant within the Sports Hub campus.”
This was made possible by Singapore Government initiatives including the Building and Construction Authority’s (BCA) Green Mark Scheme, and the Economic Development Board’s (EDB) Solar Capability Scheme.
The former, a green building rating system, incentivises new and existing buildings to adopt solar solutions by allocating points for solar installations in their Green Mark Certification criteria, while the latter scheme provides incentives for research and development, and test-bedding of solar solutions in Singapore’s urban infrastructure.