Lockyer Valley Demons switch on innovative LED sports lighting system

An innovation claimed to be the first LED lit AFL sports field in Australia has been switched for the Lockyer Valley Demons at their ground at Cahill Park in Gatton, South East Queensland.
With capacity to dim uniformly to 50 lux for juniors, and also ‘zone off and protect worn areas of the field, the Darling Downs team are enthusiastic about their new AAA-LUX LED sports-field luminaires.
With state-of-the-art energy efficient lights to train under, the clubs is now set to save on future energy costs and will never have to replace blown lamps again.
AAA-LUX LED lighting technology has the potential to shield sporting clubs and councils Local Governments from energy price escalations as well as rising maintenance and operational costs long into the future.
Writing on LinkedIn, Jasstech AAA-LUX LED Sports field Lighting, Managing Director, Craig Nicholls stated “AFL fields in particular, are susceptible and exposed to (high energy and maintenance) costs, as the larger fields require higher poles, requiring larger cranes to complete maintenance & lamp replacements.
“The AAA-LUX Luminaire now outperforms the older technology on most field designs, reducing lamp numbers per field escalating as lux levels increase, further reducing weight on poles, and reducing energy spend.
“On new projects, they also reduce cabling costs at install. Being wireless and capable of smart management, the control is simple and remote, allowing a range of field lighting options, without cabling.
“Even as the price of the old technology plummets, the ROi & TCO metrics of the 1.7 Kw AAA-LUX Luminaire continue to proof up the value of Large area flood LED, which far outweigh the ‘cheapest unit price’ argument often offered up.”
Globally, a strategic investment in AAA-LUX by Abacus Lighting Ltd is set to support the growth of AAA-LUX and further strengthen Abacus’ LED offering in the sports and large area lighting sectors.
With its head office and research centre in The Netherlands, AAA-LUX have developed a range of high power LED floodlights that are controlled via a unique lighting control management system.
Flexible and configurable, the management system controls the lighting system via touch screen, smart device, keypads and a variety of sensors. Giving this level of fingertip control to the end user, allows for a more efficient use of lighting and a reduction in energy consumption.
For more information on AAA-LUX, click here to view Australian distributor Jasstech Solutions' entry in the Australasian Leisure Management Supplier Directory.