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Record tennis courts bookings as Australians enjoy safe play

Record tennis courts bookings as Australians enjoy safe play
June 27, 2020

Data obtained from Tennis Australia’s Book a Court online booking system has shown a sharp increase in the number of people playing tennis during May 2020, compared to the same time last year.

With community sport and exercise facilities shut down during the Coronavirus lockdown, a record 32,234 bookings were made across Australia at 235 tennis venues using the technology during May.

NSW venues recorded a 230% increase, while there was a 59% rise in Victoria.

Tennis Australia Chief Executive, Craig Tiley, who has previously highlighted how tennis is a COVIDSafe activity, is not surprised by the increase, stating “we’ve always known that tennis is a unique sport - it can be played by anyone no matter their age or ability - and now, during the pandemic, we are seeing more people enjoying the social, mental and physical benefits of sport while maintaining strict physical distancing measures.

“The increase in bookings we’ve seen across the country is not accidental. Safety and trust have been the most important factors as clubs and coaches across the country have prepared for the return to tennis and the team has done a remarkable job to give everyone the information and bio security protocols they need to get players back on court as safely as possible. And our clubs and tennis venues are seeing the rewards as a result of their efforts

“As restrictions in most of the country continue to ease over the coming months we hope to build on these results as we approach our summer, and know that as long as we all continue to play our part and practice all the physical distancing and hygiene protocols, tennis at all levels can also play a major role in the recovery from this devastating pandemic.”

With the US Open scheduled to start in New York in August, Tiley said tennis at all levels could play a “major role” in the COVID-19 recovery provided physical distancing and hygiene protocols were adhered to.

He added “as restrictions in most of the country continue to ease over the coming months we hope to build on these results as we approach our summer.”

The rising popularity of the sport reverses years of decline in participation. The 2019 AusPlay survey found tennis was the seventh most popular physical activity with 1.2 million participants (aged over 15).

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