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Seeking to create more active Queenslanders new ActiveXchange partnership looks drive improved governance, advocacy and planning

Seeking to create more active Queenslanders new ActiveXchange partnership looks drive improved governance, advocacy and planning
November 12, 2021

A collaboration between QSport, the Active Queenslanders Industry Alliance, Fitness Australia, Outdoors Queensland and ActiveXchange, will see the development of ‘Active QLD Eye’.

Bringing together key stakeholders from aquatic sports to field sports, along with indoor and outdoor sports, outdoor education, fitness, health and wellness through the support of steering groups led by Fitness Australia, QSport and Outdoors Queensland, the innovative, Queensland specific product is under development courtesy of a Queensland Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sports ACTIVE KIT (Knowledge, Innovation, Technology) grant.

The project will see sport, fitness providers, camp operators and like-minded organisations come together to put participation data at the forefront to help guide infrastructure, service and program investment across the state to ultimately tackle the ActiveKIT challenges of increasing physical activity participation of Queenslanders and strengthening the capability of organisations within the ‘active’ industry including financial health and workforce capability.

Introducing the initiative, QSport Chief Executive, Peter Cummiskey advised “we chose ActiveXchange’s as our lead on this project given the SportsEye platform has already brought together state governments, local councils, and national and state sports organisations to better understand participation, membership and attendance data points alongside wider community profiling.

“ActiveXchange brings significant experience to the Active Industry, having already brought together millions of members and participants and together, we will collaborate with the sector to harness technology and data, grow the knowledge and visibility of the Queensland fitness, sport and active recreation industry.”

Noting that by embracing technology and data Active QLD Eye will allow organisations to have a deeper understanding of the needs of Queenslanders, Fitness Australia Chief Executive, Barrie Elvish added “leveraging Active QLD Eye will allow us to expand our knowledge and visibility of the impact and opportunity Queensland fitness providers have on the health and active lives of Queenslanders as we rebound from COVID.

“Only 41% of children are sufficiently active in Queensland, while there is a slight increase in the adult population with 60%, we’d like to see more Queenslanders moving, more often through physical activity.”.

Once delivered, Active QLD Eye will enable state-level organisations to produce data on membership of aquatic, recreation and sports clubs; facilities and usage across the state as well as helping guide future infrastructure, service and program investment across Queensland.

Organisations interested to learn more about the project can email:

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