Swimming clubs take their marks with Colorado Time Systems

Colorado Time System (CTS) is taking a strong hold on the Australian swimming market according to Australian distributor International Quadratics.
International Quadratics report that a growing number of swimming clubs are adopting CTS, the latest being Gold Coast-based Miami Swimming Club.
The Miami Swimming Club recently purchased Colorado's System 6 Starting System and is being used at all of their meets, including the internationally rated 'Miami Superchallenge', held in late January this year.
Being one of the first Clubs in Australia to buy the CTS System 6, the Miami Swimming Club was hoping that all would go according to plan and were cautiously confident that the new Timing System would live up to expectations.
According to Club official, Keith Jenkins, "it did, and then some!"
Miami Swimming Club is one of only nine Centres of Excellences in Australia with a proud history of World and Olympic champions. The Club's past greats include Grant Hackett, Giaan Rooney, Michael Klim, Daniel Kowalski, Andrew Baildon and Ky Hurst.
The Club's current crop includes the world ranked 800 metre swimmer (Katie Goldman), the current Junior world 800 metre Free Title Holder (Bonnie MacDonald) and several current Australian representatives including Tom Fraser-Holmes and Jade Neilsen.
This year's Miami Superchallenge attracted a large number of International competitors including China's Sun Yang, who broke Miami's own Grant Hackett's 1500 metre freestyle record at the recent World Championships held in Shanghai.
With 450 competitors entered in over 200 races, the CTS System 6 handled the timekeeping and recording functions extremely well.
As Keith Jenkins explains,"the morning heats session finished about 20 minutes ahead of schedule ï¾ largely due to the CTS efficient handling of starts, events/heats and recording of times.
"One of the features of the System 6 that impressed was the capability to accept Starts without the operator having to reset the system after the finish of the previous race. This meant that the Starter did not have to wait for a signal from the CTS operator before starting the next event/heat, thereby giving the Starter greater control over the pace of the meet."
International Quadratics together with their Queensland distributor Aquatic Elements and a CTS American representative, were all on the ground providing hands on support and assistance.
International Quadratics Managing Director David Lloyd noted that "Colorado Time Systems has really taken off in Australia and it is exciting to see just how many clubs are adopting the different Colorado Systems available.
"CTS products are first class and its popularity here in Australia from smaller swimming clubs to high profiled staged events is a real attribute to the products precision timing and evidence that elite organisations agree CTS belongs on the aquatics' world platform.
"We are now working with over 500 swimming clubs Australia-wide and together with our distributors, we are giving swimming clubs, coaches and swimmers immediate support and technical advice."
Click here to contact CTS's Australian distributor InterQuad (International Quadratics) via their entry in the Australasian Leisure Management Suppliers Directory.