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Centaman introduces new facial recognition solution for Australian and New Zealand aquatic, fitness and sport centres

Centaman introduces new facial recognition solution for Australian and New Zealand aquatic, fitness and sport centres
November 26, 2020

Security solutions specialist Centaman Entrance Control is offering a new facial recognition technology add-on for its access gates, including its range available to aquatic, fitness and sport facilities in Australia and New Zealand.

The new EasyAccess facial recognition reader scans users’ faces to identify them before providing fast, easy access through an access gate or door. It can be set up to scan the temperature of visitors to help prevent against COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses, or even configured to scan whether visitors are wearing masks and prevent entry to any who are not, if required.

Centaman Entrance Control General Manager Michael Bystram said facial recognition technology was already used in some corporate offices in Australasia but the functionality and price point has largely ruled it out from use in leisure facilities and gyms, until now.

Bystram noted “the new EasyAccess reader is an effective system available at a price point that many gyms and leisure centres will find appealing.

“It is an ideal way for leisure centres and gyms to provide secure contactless entry during the global COVID-19 pandemic and it adds convenience for members by removing the need for them to carry an access card with them all times. It also provides increased security by preventing entry by unauthorised visitors who have stolen, found or illegally ‘borrowed’ an access cards belonging to an existing paying member of your facility.”

Bystram adds that one of the advantages of the new EasyAccess facial recognition reader was that it worked with almost any gate or door and could be retrofitted to many existing Centaman Entrance Control gates.

Each EasyAccess reader can store up to 50,000 faces in its internal database. Faces can be scanned from up to three metres away, and the reader includes anti-spoofing detection support that enables it to distinguish live faces from pictures and videos.

Options are also available to link multiple readers and to allow staff to manage a secure database of visitor and member faces from one central location.

Centaman Entrance Control is a leader in security and entrance control technology.

Click here to contact Centaman Entrance Control via their Australasian Leisure Management Supplier Directory entry.

Image: The new EasyAccess facial recognition readers are available for all Centaman Entrance Control gates.

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