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GLG releases cloud-based sports field lighting control solution

GLG releases cloud-based sports field lighting control solution
September 20, 2019

Streamlining the process involved in effective, industry-leading lighting requirements, GLG, Australia and New Zealand’s largest solutions-focused lighting company, has developed RAPIX Cloud: a cloud-based, sports field lighting control solution that allows users to manage lighting both remotely and locally, providing utility, convenience and accountability.

Designed to empower sports clubs, stadiums and councils to manage lighting effectively, RAPIX Cloud also delivers accountability in the management of lighting at sport facilities.

RAPIX Cloud is also practical as in that it removes issues in the day-to-day management of lighting such as lighting keys getting lost, passwords and procedures being shared with the wrong people, scheduling conflicts and usage being difficult to track, which leads to billing and reporting becoming problematic.

RAPIX Cloud ensures total control over usage and costs across multiple fields and locations through an easy-to-use mobile app and web browser interface. Multi-user access levels can also be created so there is always easy access to lighting controls.

Key benefits in the incorporation of RAPIX Cloud include sustainability, energy saving, lower maintenance costs, leverage technology for cost effective outcomes, a better game for player and viewers and better services for sports clubs and their community.

Commenting on the technology, Simon Richardson, National Sales Manager - Controls at GLG subsidiary Pierlite advises “stadium and sports field lighting control has changed from being purely functional to being a multipurpose tool for entertainment and form, giving operators the ability to offer experiences not previously possible with onsite sports lighting and controls.

“Most councils and sports clubs often need better lighting to not just save energy, but also save on maintenance costs and offer a more efficient way to operate and manage their sports field lighting systems,.

“In addition to these concerns is the headache of scheduling - with so many groups wanting access to the same area at all hours of the day and night, ensuring fields and courts remain lit while in use is important.”

Click here for further information on GLG via their entry in the Australasian Leisure Management Supplier Directory.

Lower image: Jack Edwards Reserve, Oakleigh, Victoria - illimunated by GLG.

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