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Lighting upgrades at Cairns’ Griffiths Park marks new home for cricket in Far North Queensland

Lighting upgrades at Cairns’ Griffiths Park marks new home for cricket in Far North Queensland
February 5, 2021

The official launch of lighting upgrades at Griffiths Park in Manunda tonight mark the precinct’s role as new official home of cricket in Far North Queensland. 

Cairns Region Mayor Bob Manning will be joined Cairns MP Michael Healy and representatives from the Cairns Cricket Association (CCA) to officially switch on the new lighting tonight ahead of the opening game of the inaugural Barrier Reef Big Bash.

The lighting upgrade is part of a larger $5 million upgrade for Griffiths Park (Stage 1) and includes lighting upgrades to field 1 at the ground, along with additional parking and upgraded training facilities and landscaping.

Cairns Regional Council received Queensland Government funding of $1 million for Stage 1 of the Griffiths Park upgrade under the Active Communities Infrastructure program while Cricket Queensland has contributed $100,000 to the project.

The Council also spent $850,000 for initial planning of the upgrade and the acquisition of new land for additional car parking.

The lighting upgrade (Stage 1a of the project), involved the erection of four new light towers, about 41 metres in height, to provide 500 lux lighting for the infield and 300 lux to the outfield. This will ensure the venue’s compliance as a Class II facility as specified by the Queensland Cricket Infrastructure Strategy.

Stage 1b of the project, to start mid-year, will improve access, car parking, the plaza, cricket practice wickets and the shed, as well as upgrade landscaping and connection pathways, which will allow for informal active recreation as well as create a statement entry point for the entire precinct.

Advising that the most recent improvements at Griffiths Park would help the grow the sport within the region and add to the growing list of quality sporting infrastructure in Cairns, Mayor Manning stated “on competition of the project Griffiths Park will be one of the premier sporting facilities in Cairns.”

“This project aligns with the strategic direction of cricket in the Far North and ensures Cairns is in a good position to attract high profile events to the region.”

Tonight’s T20-style game - played under the new lights - is a preview of the great potential of this sporting precinct.

Lower image shows new sports lighting at Griffiths Park in Manunda being used ofr baseball. Credit: Cairns Regional Council.

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