Jasstech highlights history of LED sport lighting innovations and installation durability

Sport lighting innovator Jasstech has highlighted its legacy of innovation on LED sport lighting.
Having, in 2012, become the first company to bring true, and specifically designed, LED sports lighting to Australia, its current distribution of Luxtronik is, according to Jasstech Managing Director Justin Albin "proving to be a big win for end-users of our efficient and effective LED Sports lights."
Advising of no failures of installed products in the past 12 month, Albin adds "reliability, and delivering as promised, are just some of the key attributes of a good luminaire installation and responding to failures quickly and effectively is also very important, and only some do it well."
JASSTECH’s luminaires have been designed in partnership with Luxtronik to meet Australia’s harsh conditions and offer solutions for all sports fields, courts or arenas of all sizes and for all levels of play.
JASSTECH's market-leading sports solutions continue to evolve, with the Brisbane-based business also offering intelligent lighting control using various protocols and platforms, including: the Sporte system, DALI, Zigbee, LoRaWan, LED scoreboards, perimeter signage, poles and allied infrastructure.
The company's lighting and media services also include design, supply (including poles), installation and auditing.
Albin adds "we continue to innovate and are committed to providing the best and most appropriate solutions for all sports clubs.”
Click here to contact JASSTECH Solutions through their entry in the Australasian Leisure Management Supplier Directory.
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