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Sport Australia’s online diagnostic tool looks to help local clubs in being more effective

Sport Australia’s online diagnostic tool looks to help local clubs in being more effective
October 29, 2021

Despite the challenges that COVID-19 has presented, Sport Australia has reported that it’s online diagnostic tool, Game Plan, is helping local sporting clubs and organisations across Australia get back underway stronger than ever.

Commenting on Game Plan's value, Sport Australia acting Chief Executive, Rob Dalton stated "we know sporting clubs have had to adapt to our ‘new normal’ and that can come with challenges.

“Game Plan is designed to help make life easier for clubs by connecting volunteers and club administrators with information and resources they need to help them operate more efficiently and effectively.”

The new resource replaces Club Health Check with more than 1049 clubs signing up since its launch nine months ago.

Clubs can check how they’re performing in 13 areas including four foundation modules that underpin all club operations – Governance, Strategy, Finance and Workforce.

The modules are quick and easy to complete. Once a club has finished a module, they receive a maturity rating, information and resources to help them improve, and an action plan to assign responsibilities and timelines. They can also come back at any time to reassess how their action plan is helping improve their operations.

A total of 71 different sports have already joined Game Plan with golf, football, netball, cricket and AFL clubs especially taking the opportunity to evaluate their operations using the platform. Collectively, more than 3,000 assessments have been completed to date with participation listed as the most common priority area for clubs.

Dalton added "the best part about Game Plan is that it’s not just up to one person to use – any administrator of a club can complete modules suited to their role, whether that’s coaching, sponsorship or finance. Clubs can also access the platform at any time to assist them in or outside of season."

In addition to Game Plan, Sport Australia is making sure the organised sport sector is better connected, helping the sector operate more effectively and in turn, deliver greater value to participants and communities.

Game Plan supports organisations running sports to improve their effectiveness and advance a more cohesive, innovative and effective sector.

The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) is committed to supporting and growing Australian sport at all levels. Its 2021-2025 Corporate Plan highlights Sport Australia and the Australian Institute of Sport’s (AIS) commitment to grow participation in organised sport and continue to support high performance sport, while developing the champions of the future.

Click here to download the ASC Corporate Plan 2021-25.

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