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Stack Sports partner with VicSport to launch Direction of Sport online event

Stack Sports partner with VicSport to launch Direction of Sport online event
May 7, 2020

Stack Sports and partner VicSport have today announced their annual event, The Direction of Sport in the Digital Age, will move to an online event on Tuesday 19th May 2020. The Direction of Sport in the Digital Age returns for its second year but due to COVID-19 restrictions in 2020 becomes an online event.

Stack Sports are a leading provider of digital solutions to national, state, grassroots and professional sporting organisations across Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Stack partners with a large number of National Sporting Organisations including the AFL, Basketball Australia, Touch Football Australia, Hockey Australia, Basketball New Zealand, New Zealand Rugby League, Rugby Football League, and Basketball England.

VicSport is the industry body for sport in Victoria and their aim is to get as many people as possible in Victoria engaging in sport and physical Activity. Through their extensive network, VicSport’s constituency includes 16,000 clubs and associations and over 3.9 million participants including paid staff and volunteers who make a significant contribution to the social, physical, mental and economic wellbeing of the Victorian community.

The online event will see the first in a two-part series discuss topics such as Online Learning & Safeguarding for Sporting Organisations, Fundraising for Sporting Organisations and Community Foundations and Using Technology to manage your Sports Organisation.

The event will feature leaders in the industry along with representatives from National and Victorian based State Sporting Organisations including Basketball Australia, Gymnastics Victoria, Australian Sports Foundation, staff from VicSport and Stack Sports plus many more.

Stack Sports General Manager, Andy Graham advises “we were blown away by the success of the first event in 2019 with over 120 people in attendance. Moving to an online event will provide relevant content and important resources for sporting organisations.”

VicSport Chief Executive, Lisa Hasker adds “VicSport is proud to work with Stack Sports to bring another Direction of Sport in the Digital Age event to the sporting community. With the event being held via a digital platform this year, we will be able to take the content beyond the Victorian sporting market.”

The Direction of Sport in the Digital Age is a free event and registrations are now open. The event will be held on Tuesday 19th May 2020 commencing at 9am and will finish by 12noon. The event is tailored to grassroots sporting clubs, associations, Victorian based State Sporting Organisations and National Sporting Organisations based in Victoria along with professional sporting clubs.

The Full agenda, presenters and panellists can be seen by visiting

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