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Club Night Light Program funds 33 sports facility lighting projects across Western Australia

Club Night Light Program funds 33 sports facility lighting projects across Western Australia
February 23, 2022

The latest round of funding from Western Australian Government’s Club Night Light Program (CNLP) is supporting 33 projects involving the installation and upgrades of lighting at sports facilities – allowing more people to play sport well into the night.

In the first standalone round, 16 projects have been funded in the metropolitan area totalling $1,393,240 and 17 projects are in regional areas, totalling $1,620,941.

The CNLP grants are designed to help develop sustainable floodlighting infrastructure for sport across Western Australia.

Administered by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, the program aims to increase access and participation in sport and recreation with an emphasis on physical activity through rational development of good quality, well-designed and well-utilised floodlighting facilities.

Western Australian Sport and Recreation Minister David Templeman advises "while lights practically allow activities to go on later into the night, the wider implications are really positive for the community - more people are able to be active and clubs might be able to field more teams. Plus, it allows for greater participation flexibility amongst groups who might not be able to do sport at other times of the day.

"In some of the hotter parts of the State, playing sport after the sun has gone down when it's a little cooler makes a lot of sense.

"For some local governments and sporting clubs, these grants also provide the opportunity to replace old floodlights with lighting which is more energy efficient, sustainable and meets modern standards."

This round is part of a $10 million package over four years and is now a separate funding program, where local governments, sporting clubs and community groups can apply outside the Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund.

Grants offered are one-third of the total estimated project cost up to a maximum grant of $1 million.

In this round, projects which have received funding include:

  • $168,409: City of Wanneroo to upgrade lighting at two ovals in Splendid Park;
  • $136,166: City of Kwinana to install floodlighting at Wellard Oval;
  • $103,077: City of South Perth to upgrade lights at James Miller Oval;  
  • $53,524: City of Mandurah to install lighting for four courts at Mandurah Tennis Club;
  • $49,147: Shire of Moora to install LED lighting on the Moora Football Oval;
  • $24,990: Tom Price BMX Club to upgrade track lighting to LED; and
  • $2,522: Boyanup Bowling Club to upgrade lighting for one bowling green.

For more information on funding go to

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